Caitlin Flanagan — Colleges Aren’t Teaching Students How to Think

This blog post is an essay by Caitlin Flanagan recently published in Atlantic.  Here's a link to the original.  If colleges were in fact teaching students how to think, she says, then they would be encouraging students to consider the best arguments on the other side of the issue they are most ardent about. Colleges … Continue reading Caitlin Flanagan — Colleges Aren’t Teaching Students How to Think

David Brooks — How Democrats Can Win the Morality Wars

This post is a lovely analysis by David Brooks that appeared in a recent column.  Here's a link to the original.   He's talking about a major problem facing liberal democracies, which relates to the analysis by Francis Fukuyama in his new book, Liberalism and Its Discontents, which I discussed in my post on May 19. … Continue reading David Brooks — How Democrats Can Win the Morality Wars

Francis Fukuyama — Liberalism and Its Discontents

This post is a reflection on Francis Fukuyama's new book, Liberalism and Its Discontents.   The book provides the best and clearest discussion I've seen about the power and appeal of liberalism and the nature of the negative reactions it has been generating, especially in recent years.  Attacked from both left and right, threatened by populist … Continue reading Francis Fukuyama — Liberalism and Its Discontents